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Merlin Technology

Employee portraits

We warmly invite you to take a look at the next generation of our team. Here we introduce you to three exceptional personalities: our newly qualified apprentices and recently graduated talents, who drive our company goals with every fiber of their being with their expertise and passion.

Anna, Jonas & Julian

We are proud to introduce Anna, Jonas and Julian, who have just started their exciting professional journey with us.

Anna, our future office administrator, not only impresses with her organizational skills, but also with her cheerful personality. She has already shown in her first few weeks that she is a real team player and is always ready to support her colleagues.

Jonas, on the other hand, is a technology enthusiast and has decided to train as an automation technician. With his interest in innovative technologies and his technical skills, he fits perfectly into our team.

Julian already has a lot of experience with his completed apprenticeship as a mechanical engineering technician. He is characterized by his curiosity and commitment. Julian already feels very much at home in the team and is an asset to our company. We are looking forward to working with him on exciting projects and benefiting from his specialist knowledge.

We are firmly convinced that Anna, Jonas and Julian will enrich our company in many ways with their commitment, curiosity and talent. Welcome to the team!

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