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Adiabatic cooling as solution

Working at high temperatures = reduced productivity

The indoor climate in offices and production sites is an often underestimated but crucial factor for employee performance. From room temperature and air quality to ventilation, various aspects play a role. In our article, we take a closer look at these correlations and provide practical tips on how you can increase productivity in your company.

High temperatures lead to reduced productivity

The effects of room temperature on work performance should by no means be underestimated. Studies have shown that even a slight deviation from thermal comfort can affect productivity.

This is particularly clear at temperatures of 22 °C and above, where an increase in temperature of just one degree leads to a drop in productivity of around 2 %. This is a particular challenge for production sites, as not only the outside temperature but also the heat generated by the machines can affect the indoor climate. A temperature increase of 10 °C above the outside temperature can lead to a drop in productivity of at least 20 %.

Increase productivity by up to 15 % with cost-efficient adiabatic spot cooling

A pleasant indoor climate is not only a well-being factor for employees, but also a decisive lever for increasing productivity. Studies show that an optimally designed indoor climate can increase productivity by an impressive 10-15 %, which has a direct impact on earnings.

Given this potential, investing in adiabatic cooling is not just a question of comfort, but also a strategic measure to increase operational efficiency and profitability.

Another advantage of adiabatic cooling compared to air conditioning is that windows, doors and hall gates do not have to be permanently closed and adiabatic cooling can be used spot on, exactly where it is needed in the work area.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our sales team. Click here for the contact form


Source: https://publications.rwth-aachen.de/record/811532/files/811532.pdf

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